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Allegro Central Vacuum for HOME BUILDERS

 smart tube system


Allegro Central Vacuum Retractable Hose System

You’ll never have to carry or store bulky central vacuum hose again. Hide-A-Hose solves the problem.  Simply pull out length of hose you need from the inlet valve, connect your cleaning wand and attachments, turn the switch on the handle to on position and begin vacuuming.


Our SmartTubeTM system hidden within the walls, attic or crawl spaces, store the Retractable Hose.  Special tubing elbow sweeps allows the Retractable Hose to travel freely and store within the tubing system. Wall Inlet Valves can be installed within 2” x 4” wall cavity. Hose lengths are customized according to the size of the cleaning area. Each Wall Inlet Valve can cover up to 2,300 sq. foot.  All the tubing is connected to the Central Vacuum Power Unit.

For more information, price quote, and installation service or to order please call us at 1.877.593.2532




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